Leadership is not a position; it is a way of showing up in the world. Leadership starts with the idea that the world is an effect. It is an effect of our actions. If we want to see a different world, we must be willing to act and show up differently. We have the potential to be the generation that doesn't repeat history but transforms what needs to change.
Jeanine van Seenus 
The Conscious Leadership Program
for Present and Future Female and Male Leaders
I believe that if leaders across various areas like the economy, government, media, healthcare, education, and politics were more conscious, we would see and experience a different world.
There's an urgency we can't ignore. We can't continue to suffer needlessly, play power games, or pretend that the challenges don't affect us. We live in a complex world, and it's time to stop avoiding reality or feeling overwhelmed. We need to come together and create the changes that will move us forward. We're in a world where irrational power and fear dominate us, and we can't ignore that.
Let’s raise our awareness to transform the unhealthy and toxic aspects of our workplaces and communities and let’s empower leaders to be more conscious. It's not just about advancing our personal careers; it's about connecting with our calling and purpose.
We all have a unique and shared purpose: to shift from fear to love.
To create a positive impact, we need to change from the inside out.
We can't guide change and transformation in our organizations, institutions, and governments if we don't work on our own growth and address the issues that hold us back.
This CERTIFIED ONLINE & ONSITE conscious leadership program teaches essential Self-leadership & leadership skills, including self-awareness & mindfulness, the latest neuroscience findings in modern psychology, embracing universal and self-compassion, and using conscious language to break the culture of silence and fear. Participants learn to self-regulate and to co-regulate. They understand the broader context in which they operate and they learn how to create safe environments from within. We help leaders differentiate between conscious leadership and traditional leadership. The program starts by sharing insights from recent brain research about change and it emphasizes the importance of inner growth to break free from unhealthy patterns.

Conscious Leadership comes from the Inside Out.
If you think something is missing in your life, it is probably more of the REAL you.
Dr. Robert Holden, Psychologist, UK
Number of Participants (personal invitation):
20 to 500 participants
6 Months (online)/ 6 Days (onsite)
March 15th / Sept 12th 2024
Bi-weekly sessions (online)
6 days Retreat (please contact us directly for the onsite program)
One Topic & LIVE session per month (90 minutes)
Dynamic & Interactive Impulse (60 minutes) - Self-Reflection (5 minutes) - Group Reflection (15 minutes) - Q & A (10 minutes)
One Peer Group session per month (75 minutes based on the topic of the month).
Depending on the size of the audience, participants are divided into groups of three to six. Each live session ends with a set of inspiring tasks for the peer group to tackle together.
Certification of Completion:
Online & onsite
Online certification:
Participants must attend five out of six live sessions and peer group sessions to get the certification of completion. To retain their knowledge, participants take a multiple-choice test, achieving a passing score of 80%.
Onsite certification:
To get certified on-site, you need to be there for the whole retreat.

The first month of this program focuses on the concept of neuroplasticity and its application to personal and conscious leadership. The approach is based on the understanding that individuals can shape their brains throughout life, which means that it is possible to change dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaving and to develop new mindsets, new experiences, new skills, and new abilities. What participants will learn:
1. Changing Your Mind. Changing the World
• Dive into the world of personal and collective transformation with the power of neuroplasticity.
• Harness the science of change to redefine the role of a conscious leader.
2. Neuroplasticity: Rewiring Your Leadership
• Embrace the remarkable ability of your brain to adapt and evolve in response to new experiences.
3. Shaping Your Future: A Neuroplastic Leadership Journey
• Leverage the science of neuroplasticity to transform your leadership approach.
4. Leading with Brain-Driven Purpose
• Unearth the power of neuroplasticity to shift your mindset, choices and actions.
• Use the latest findings in neuroscience to craft a vision board that aligns with your personal and universal purpose.

In the second month, we explore conscious leadership through the lens of
Compassionate Inquiry (CI).
We're looking beyond the way we usually show ourselves to the world.
As leaders, we can be very hard on ourselves. CI encourages a kinder, more curious,
and open-hearted approach to Compassion, while, at the same time, we are not “killing” ourselves by listening to harsh inner critics and holding ourselves to impossibly high standards. Universal compassion needs to start with you.
Compassionate inquiry isn't about making people happy; it's about guiding them to the truth. This truth can free them from old, limiting beliefs and habits. By understanding themselves better, they can better understand and relate to others and return to a more humane experience in their working environment.
This month, we teach participants to become friendly towards themselves and to take full responsibility for how they think, act, and feel about themselves. We will focus on self-care, self-regulation, recognizing the stories we tell ourselves, and improving our ability to cope with painful emotions without going into fight or flight mode. To build resilience, we will encourage participants to explore being at the edge of their tolerance and make healthier choices.

In today's world dominated by screens, many people become disconnected from their own bodies. This often means that as leaders we don't pay attention to what our bodies are trying to tell us when things go wrong.
Being truly present means not just experiencing the world through our thoughts, but also through our bodies and senses. This is what we mean by "embodied" leadership, where the mind and body are deeply connected. It's not just that the mind is linked to the body; the body also influences the mind.
During this month, participants will look at conscious leadership from a biological perspective. They'll learn about the intelligence of the body and how important it is to connect the mind and body in leadership.
Many leaders unconsciously use aggressive strategies because they're in a constant state of stress and anxiety. This is clearly demonstrated through the ground-breaking studies of Polyvagal Theory (science of safety) and neuroception (autonomic detection of threat and safety). It keeps leaders functioning for a limited amount of time. Our safety requirements for the autonomic nervous system and neurobiological requirements are not in accordance with the substantial demands for growth programs that aim to improve potential and resilience.
Without realizing it, and from a biological point of view, leaders tend to view their work environment through a lens of threat, even when they're trying to make it safe and connected on the outside. If they keep ignoring the signals of their bodies, this leads to limited thinking, disconnection, emotional instability, and poor problem-solving. Ultimately, they may feel disconnected from themselves.
By learning to understand and work with our body's intelligence, we become a leader of our inner world and safety first, from where we radiate safety to our environment.
The way we now show up will allow our teams to feel more at ease.

In the fourth month, participants will learn about SELF-leadership and leading from within. This involves guiding their inner world, including feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and reactive behaviors, from a place of strength, knowingness, calm, and stability, commonly referred to as the Self.
The Self is characterized by the 8C's: compassion, curiosity, clarity, creativity, calm, confidence, courage, and connectedness.
These qualities are available to everyone. Being in our True Self or Wise Self is the state when brain function is balanced, and when we have access to our clarity. Some people might refer to this state as the heart, soul, or spirit. After 40 years of research, we can safely say that the Self is something we are all born with. It is the core of who we are and it holds the best parts of us.
The goal for this month is to learn how to use our inner wisdom and to reconnect with our Self. We discover what it means to guide ourselves and our team from the inside out. Self-discipline doesn't have to come from being hard on ourselves; it can come from understanding, clarity and calm. Participants will learn to recognize when they are in their Self and when they are not. They'll also pay attention to which of the 8C's they are currently experiencing, to how open their heart is, and whether they have a hidden agenda to push things through.

We're wired to feel each other’s emotions, whether we like it or not. It doesn't mean we have to be consumed by other persons’ feelings, but we are not designed to be calm if our team is emotionally activated.
You might have trained yourself to appear calm to the outside, while inside you are freaking out. This disconnect is called incongruence, and people can sense it, even if they're not consciously aware of it. When they do, they usually feel unsafe.
A dysregulated team does not need a calm leader.
A dysregulated team needs a connected leader!
This month's focus is on transformation through self-regulation and co-regulation.
Leaders become more effective when they show they understand their team's feelings and can relate to them. The idea is that a leader can balance external turmoil (like stress and team dissatisfaction) with an internal sense of security. However, it's important to remember that no leader is a superhero.
Participants in this program learn to handle their own emotions when they're leading. They discover how to become an external regulator, someone who can sense the emotional state of their team and, at the same time, access their own inner strength.
A connected leader knows how to support their team through moments of discomfort, stress, and challenges. Instead of rushing to analyse or fix things, they pause, breathe, and find their own sense of inner peace. It's a kind of leadership that focuses on "being with your team" rather than just "doing for your team."
Leaders understand that connection with their team may come and go, and there's no fixed script for handling it. However, once they understand what is needed, they will be able to reconnect quickly.
Leaders learn to balance two states simultaneously:
1. They connect with their team, understanding what's happening outside.
2. They connect with themselves, staying grounded on the inside.
It's about having one foot in each world—connecting, not just staying calm.

In the final month, we delve into two essential aspects of communication: internal and external. This is all about exploring transformation through conscious communication.
Internal communication begins with having a kind and respectful inner dialogue with oneself. Language can be a double-edged sword, and many leaders tend to be their own harshest critics. We can stop this loveless cycle by beginning to befriend ourselves with a kinder and more mindful way of self-talk.
External Communication is about moving from plastic communication to vibrant communication. Rather than hiding behind slides and buzzwords, we support leaders in finding their own voice. Diplomatic and politically correct language alone doesn't foster unity or progress. Instead, we encourage a more personal, immediate, and self-reflective style of communication that takes ownership, connects with others, and embraces diversity.
Many people today are afraid to speak up, leading to a "Culture of Silence." We explore a language that fosters human connection and emotional bonding. Participants also learn to recognize how their leadership presence changes when they speak candidly versus when they remain composed. They gain insights into how to avoid monotonous communication by using examples effectively, delivering clear messages in a concise time frame, and harnessing the power of storytelling and authenticity.
Conscious leadership communication goes beyond presenting facts and figures.
Without presence, a genuine personality, and an understanding of how to lead communication, its potential is untapped and can even have a negative effect. Creating a positive impact within your team through using conscious language skills fosters wisdom, compassion, human connection, collaboration, and professional knowledge for the good of all.

From Knowing it to Owning it.
Practice – Practice – Practice – Practice – Practice - Practice
Deepening, integrating, experiencing and maintaining the good work.
Participants of this program will receive valuable guidance, deepen their understanding, and practice the insights and techniques gained in The Conscious Leadership Program.
We understand that change and development can be a challenge, and we want to empower conscious leaders to be able to tackle challenges with confidence and curiosity and to be mindful of their actions.
To ensure a strong commitment and alignment with the program's goals, we carefully select participants who are genuinely dedicated and ready to engage in purposeful and impactful change. In our advanced certified conscious leadership programs, participants get to take what they have learned and put it into action in their jobs and leadership roles.
Finish the Conscious Leadership Program, and you will receive a certificate of completion.
Go further with an advanced program, and you become a certified conscious Leader.

The mentorship program features live demonstrations, discussions, debriefing, and Q&A sessions. We will delve into submitted pre-questions, real-life challenges, practical applications, and experiential learning through concrete examples.
Furthermore, leaders can choose to:
1. Inquire about past challenging meetings, focusing on their own reactions. With the help of a facilitator, who plays the part of the leader, and a few other participants, they role-play the situation while the leader observes and learns.
2. Explore questions about their business partners/ boss/ team and opt for a 'real play’. The leader plays the part of the mentee, while the facilitator/ participants represent the others involved, helping to gain insights and new perspectives
The program consists of six 90-minute practice sessions.
Number of pre-selected leaders: 20 to 50 participants - Duration: 3 Months - Start: 2024 - Experience: Online - Structure: Bi-weekly - LIVE Session (90 minutes) – To become a certified conscious leader: Participants must attend five out of six live sessions to get the certification of completion and submit at least one case study.
In our Supervised Small Practice Groups, we offer a unique setting for top leaders and decision-makers to engage in a safe and confidential space. These circles put the principles of the Conscious Leadership Program into real-world practice. Professional feedback and supervision are given to participants as they take on the roles of leaders, employers/executives, and observers. The focus here is on addressing practical workplace challenges, navigating interpersonal dynamics, engaging in sensitive conversations, and fostering open communication.
In addition, the program equips participants with the tools and support needed to transform their workplaces into conscious and healthier environments.
The program consists of six 90-minute practice sessions.
Number of Participants: 3 - 4 participants - Duration: 3 Months - Start: 2024- Experience: Online - Structure: Bi-weekly - LIVE Session (60 minutes) - To become a Certified Conscious Leader: Participants must attend five out of six live sessions to get the certification.

The program is designed to highlight female role models and bring more balance to the under-representation of women in public speaking or internal key positions.
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