In the fourth month, participants will learn about SELF-leadership and leading from within. This involves guiding their inner world, including feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and reactive behaviors, from a place of strength, knowingness, calm, and stability, commonly referred to as the Self.
The Self is characterized by the 8C's: compassion, curiosity, clarity, creativity, calm, confidence, courage, and connectedness.
These qualities are available to everyone. Being in our True Self or Wise Self is the state when brain function is balanced, and when we have access to our clarity. Some people might refer to this state as the heart, soul, or spirit. After 40 years of research, we can safely say that the Self is something we are all born with. It is the core of who we are and it holds the best parts of us.
The goal for this month is to learn how to use our inner wisdom and to reconnect with our Self. We discover what it means to guide ourselves and our team from the inside out. Self-discipline doesn't have to come from being hard on ourselves; it can come from understanding, clarity and calm. Participants will learn to recognize when they are in their Self and when they are not. They'll also pay attention to which of the 8C's they are currently experiencing, to how open their heart is, and whether they have a hidden agenda to push things through.