While masculine qualities are outer-directed, female qualities are inner-directed. Female qualities include intuitive- and creative intelligence, emotional- and body intelligence, visionary & non-linear thinking, seeing the bigger picture, receptivity, compassion, healing, nurturing, and integrating life's interconnected, relational, collaborative & sensitive aspects.
By themselves, these qualities would prove insufficient for creating true success, as would the qualities of the masculine model by themselves. Both qualities need each other to thrive.
Over the past many years, we've pursued success defined by masculine qualities: to do, act, plan, set goals, strategize, control (others), win, wield command, and accomplish. As brilliant as achievements can be, the masculine power system is ineffective regarding internal measures of success & fulfillment. It cannot build deep connection, meaning & purpose, creative expression, supportive networks, faith, and a sense of belonging.
Women are increasingly experiencing fatigue and exhaustion in organizations and other work environments, causing them to disconnect from themselves to function.
Moral is suffering as women continue to adapt to patriarchal systems that value traditional masculine measures of success, such as positional and monetary rewards. Many women have achieved leadership roles by learning to conform to this system. Others believe it is not worth the time, effort, or sacrifice to rise higher in the company.
If women are to be recruited, retained, engaged, and promoted, women & men must become aware of personal and systematic barriers.