There is an epidemic of cumulative fatigue and burnout in organizations that is causing women to disengage. Morale is suffering as women constantly spend energy on adapting to systems that value traditional masculine measures of success such as positional and monetary rewards. Many women have risen to leadership roles through learning to conform to this system. Others decide it is not worth the time, effort or sacrifice to rise higher in the company.

If women are to be recruited, retained, engaged and promoted; they need to become aware of their personal and cultural barriers.

Based on personal and group inquiry, women co-create a vision of a different, empowering pathway; a pathway that rewards and embraces strong, compassionate, wise, honest and courageous feminine leaders.
It is a pioneering journey of building shared knowledge & insights by clarifying the questions that a group will explore together.

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This community is a platform where women from around the world come together to feel a sense of belonging, share breakdowns and breakthroughs, and discover courage from within. They learn to shift their perspectives to a new mindset and how to bring more balance and expansion into your organization as female leaders.

Participants: 50-5000
Timeframe: 6 - 12 months
Weekly Impulse:
Audio Reflection (5 – 10 minutes) & LIVE Video (30 minutes) with structured guidelines for daily self-inquiry, mind- searching and - shifting tools to build inner strength and knowledge for leading as a woman a purposeful Life & Business.

Monthly Q&A Webinar (90 minutes)

Annual Online weekend-retreat - (onsite retreat possible).



To foster self-organizing groups for a deeper dive on topics as needs emerge. Goal is to begin to practice and embody what is learned in community.

Participants: Small, emergent groups lead by Ambassadors and supported by program leaders.

Timeframe: Groups could form as a 30 to 45 -minute weekly Monday morning motivation kick-off for the week or lunch and learn program.


For more Information please contact
