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The Cause

We’ve been cultivating a Masculine Model of Power that has enabled us to achieve high standards of living, to pursue a plentitude of opportunities, and - for women - to engage in society at remarkable levels of authority, to create businesses or to become leaders of organizations.
But it has come at a price.

We’ve been pursuing accomplishments & fulfillment, based on external measures of success. As brilliant as our accomplishments are, the Masculine Power System is not effective when it comes to internal measures of success & fulfillment like creating deeper connection, liveliness & purpose, creative expression, supportive network, meaningful contribution, faith & courage, authentic success, sense of belonging and a brighter future for the generations to come.

These internal aspects are the foundation for sustainable success in the outside.

The Masculine Terms

Over the last 50 years we have been living the Masculine Version of Power. Therefore, power has been defined in masculine terms: The ability “to do, to act, to plan, to set goals, to develop strategies, to accomplish, to wield command or control over others.”
Due to the Masculine Power System we were able to achieve incredible results such as in science and in the industry.
So what are we missing exactly?

The New Power System
A kinder, gentler Philosophy of Success

The New Form of Integrated Power comes from a kinder, gentler Philosophy of Success, a holistic approach where the Masculine is balanced with the *Feminine Power System.

*Clarification of the Terminology of Feminie & Masculine Power
In our busy, fast-paced Western world, we tend to work too much, rest too little and live in a way that rewards achievement, so that we are driven to do too much. Living a peaceful, calm and fulfilled life becomes more and more a foreign concept.
In Chinese Medical terms, we are living too much from the Yang energy and we are depleting our Yin.
Although Yin & Yang are defined as masculine- & feminine power in the Western world, it does not mean that men are yang and women yin oriented. Yin & Yang are two interdependent aspects of life and must be balanced in both Men & Women.
To integrate the Yin quality at work and in our lives actually empowers the Yang aspect to be healthy and to succeed. In other words: The Feminine Power balances the over-represented, Masculine Power within us and in the world.

By combining the Masculine Power System of rational, linear and logical thinking with the Feminine Power System, you will tap into a matrix that is intuitive, co-creative, gentle, receptive, integral and responsive to the bigger picture and the intelligence of Life.

The Feminine Power System
A New Consciousness of Balance & Success

While experts are speaking about a return of the Feminine, it is not just a return; it is also an evolution of Feminine Power that is crucial to our personal & global development.

Qualities such as healing, supporting and nourishing, associated with the Feminine of the ancient past, taken alone, are as insufficient for creating success as the qualities of the Masculine by themselves.
Both qualities need the other to thrive.

We, therefore, move into A New Consciousness of Balance & Success, a co-creative Form of Power The Feminine Power System that integrates and includes all the positive aspects of masculine power.

So far we have had none or very few Role Models, who laid a foundation for us to learn from.
And that’s where we come into play.

Personal and People Development & Creative Services


New Generation Women & New Generation Men - and Teens

We work with women & men who are open and ready to go on a conscious journey and manifest true success in their lives.
Women & men who see the limits or have personally reached their limits within the old Power System and, therefore, understand that A New Form of Integrated Power brings Balance & Success on a long-term basis.

We tend to say that we work with women & men from 40 years of age upwards. But we experienced in our work that women and men start already to be open from 30 years on and surprisingly sometimes even earlier.

We call them New Generation Women & New Generation Men.

Through addressing parents, teachers & mentors we reach out to Teens to empower their Self-Esteem, Strength & Courage.